Wednesday, November 09, 2005

What matters

As time passes by, it becomes more important to understand what is important in life. Everyone might have different ideas as to what may be important in life. One person may focus on making more money while others may focus on becoming a better person (whatever that means). But what really is important is that humans get back to what it means to be human. By that I mean we need to respect human life.

Easy enough, right? Well, that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Religion seems to be more important than actually respecting human life. You have religious leaders from Islam and Christianity calling for the death of one another. Why would these people in power ever do such things? Why does religion tout such extreme behaviors? Well, my personal opinion is because these so called religions that were supposed to be founded upon some mystical invisible super hero was in fact written by men. Men who used religion to exploit their political and financial goals to meet their needs. How can anyone look me in the face and tell me that they can prove that there is a heaven. You can't. All you can tell me is that you have faith or that you believe. Well I'm sorry, your beliefs are nothing more than fantasies. Fantasies that were based upon information that is over 2000 years old. In the past 2000 years science has made discoveries about our universe that can't be described in the qur'an or the bible or in any of the other major religious texts. It is those men that set an example of bigotry and hatred based upon these texts of fiction.

With that being said, religion no longer has a place in our society. Now that humans have the ability to understand DNA, cosmology and quantum physics (to a certain degree) we are able to describe naturally occurring events. And guess what, we don't have to describe supernatural events, CAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY. There never has been and there never will be, so I don't need some piece of fiction to tell me how I should live my life or how society should run itself. It's time that we all stood up and said that we are past needing such rhetoric and that we can make decisions based upon the empirical information and evidence that we have sitting here in front of us. It may be true that religion had its place one time in our history, but we should now be able to take the next evolutionary step in our history and say no to religion and say yes to truth, evidence and fact. We have the ability to make this change, but do we have the bravery, no the bravado to stand up to religion and say, "I don't need you anymore".


At Wed Nov 09, 09:44:00 PM 2005, Blogger mikey said...

"And the truth shall set ye free". It is a marvelous and freeing sense when we discover the lies we have been taught, and the freedom that comes from recognizing the truth. And sure, the truth may be that we don't know the answer. But it's recognizing that magic super beings are not truth, and are not the answer. We are not "lost" with this kowledge, we are freed with this knowledge. There is no reason for loss. There is no logic in tragic death. It is part and parcel of our world and while we are saddened by it, we are made human by it. We cannot undertake to kill and hurt and steal and wield power over one another and still believe that there is some supernatural entity somehow guideing us on this journey. Oh, no. The truth is much more harsh, much more pure than that. We are here. Alone, together. We either find a way to live together, or I promise you, we'll find a way to die together. The future is ours. What diretion do we want to go. And what destination do we want to reach.

Keep asking those questions, Brian. Keep seeking answers, and keep refusing to accept lies. How this will all work out we don't know, but by struggling for what's right, rather than what's easy, we can only know that we, at least, are going in the right direction...



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